Nuestros servicios
Minecraft Java
Explore and build without limits on your own Minecraft Java server. The best experience for you and your friends, always online!
Minecraft Bedrock
Enjoy Minecraft Bedrock across all platforms. Host your world with us and play anywhere, anytime.
Ark Survival Evolved
Survive in a prehistoric world with your friends. Our Ark hosting ensures a seamless experience."
Take your Counter-Strike skills to the next level with a dedicated server. Guaranteed performance for every match!
Garrys mod
Create and play in Garry's Mod without limits. With our servers, your custom worlds are always available.
Grand Theft Auto V
Rule Los Santos with a GTA V server. Enjoy stable and customizable hosting for your most intense sessions.
Survive and thrive in Rust with our servers. Play worry-free with maximum stability and performance.
Assetto Corsa
Experience the ultimate driving simulation with an Assetto Corsa server. Speed and realism, always within reach.
Team Fortress 2
Host epic battles in Team Fortress 2. Our servers give you the speed and stability you need to win.
Demo - 3 dias Por tiempo limitado, obten tu servidor de Minecraft - 2GB RAM de forma gratuita.
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Why choose Dragon Host ?

Our game hosting service offers you the best infrastructure and technical support so that you can enjoy each of our services to the fullest.
Join us and live the ultimate gaming experience!

Proactive Support

As previous server builders, we are here to provide you with personalized assistance based on our knowledge and understanding of the challenges that may occur.

Powerful Hardware

Our high-performance servers, strategically located in Latin America and North America, will ensure an uninterrupted gaming experience.

Instant Activation

Once payment is received, your game server will be instantly enabled through our Pterodactyl control panel.


Located in two strategic locations: Chile and Canada. This distribution allows us to offer our customers a solid and high-performance infrastructure, with a wide geographic coverage.


Our focus is on providing an exceptional customer experience. We strive to provide high quality service, prioritizing customer satisfaction.